I'm Deborah Bogen, poet and novelist. Thanks for visiting. My latest book of poems is SPEAK NOW THIS CHARM, from Jacar Press. You can read a review of the book here:
IN CASE OF SUDDEN FREE FALL, won the 2017 Jacar Press Poetry Book Prize judged by Helena Cordona. You can order it on Amazon or by clicking the links to either side of this message. Jericho Brown chose a group of poems from "Free Fall" for the 2016 New Letters Poetry Prize.
And for poetry readers here are selected reviews of my collections.
For fiction lovers here are reader reviews for "The Hounds of God" and "The Witch of Leper Cove. "
5 out of 5 stars MUST READ
By C. M. Barrett "Connie Barrett" (Ruby NY) -
"If you have any interest in medieval England and the lives of the common people, as distinct from the rulers, this book is a must-read. The three main characters, a young woman and her younger twin brothers, all orphans, are well-drawn and sympathetic. Secondary characters are equally plausible. The plot development is almost breathtaking in that it's both logical and unexpected.
Aside from being a detailed portrait of life long ago, the story has many parallels to the modern uneven distribution of wealth and power. The ending inspires."
A review of "THE HOUNDS OF GOD." Read more reviews at Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars Great characters and life-like detail make this novel an eye-opening experience. June 7, 2015
By John Walker
"A historical novel depends on strong characters as well as a well-depicted milieu to open the eyes of readers to an understanding of a world far different from their own. This novel has both. The personages are so sharply defined that the reader remembers each one easily as the novel jumps back and forth along the story line. And the descriptions are so full of life-like detail using all of the senses that the reader is immersed into a world that can be felt, heard, and smelled, as well as seen. For example, the depiction of making artist's paints is remarkable in itself, and gets added quality from its hinted symbolism. A super novel."